Sunday, August 26, 2012

Multiply and Picture Perfect Friends

I am noticing that my followers list...or Friends as I chose to change the title growing. That excites me...and embarrassingly...confuses me...all at the same time. I told Kia earlier all know a lot more about me...with the outpouring of support that Tommy and I received from Our Wonderful Picture Perfect Community during Our Journey...and even I myself struggle to find my way on this new path of life alone.

While I am loving seeing the newness of friends coming into my now 'what is'...I would like to request...kindly...that you please tell you travel here...the screen names you used on I can connect the dots so to speak.

I know I should be able to just recognize most of you by your faces...and please forgive me that I don't...seems my mind has taken on a life of it's own the past months...and simply refuses to focus on what I try to see...:))

 Please we make this move...I do look forward to the pleasure of getting to know all of you better!

With Much Respect


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Picture Perfect...Summer Competition...Week Seven

Gator Is Our Host
His Theme...The Heart Of The Matter


Monday, August 20, 2012

My Own Reference...For Later

Post a link in a Comments Box I just discovered you cant drop a page link in a comment box on blogger like we do here. I did and it does not work! I have created a work around that will let you drop a link and it works perfectly LOL;P It is fairly simple. This is the code you drop into the comment box: Title Replace the URL with the URL of the site you are linking to and replace the Title with the title of the site. Easy as pie. Now get out there and comment!!! Example: In my case it goes like this: PicturePerfect

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Picture Perfect...Summer Competition...Week Six

Our Host This Week Is Cherie
The Theme She Chose



Sunday, August 12, 2012


I can NOT center a!

The Instruction Manual... trying to add a photo to a blog...I think I may have lost my font...or font size. Any way...this is just another one of those 'Testing Testing...One Two Three Is This Thing Working' Kind Of Posts...:)) We aren't going to learn a thing if we don't try...sigh

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Friday, August 10, 2012

Public And Private...Blah Blah Blah

Seems that my own blogspot site is set to 'public'....but the writings of my very best friend is set to 'private'.  To beat all...she is following me...but...her page I can not view.

This...even with all my Southern goodness and grace...just will not do!

Suggest to me...Suggest to her...but some how...some way...I need to be connected to

Can we make that happen peoples??

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Number One

And blog.  It seems I've had this page since '09.  Look at me...planning ahead.  Having had this blogspot would think that I would know my way around.  Right my head turns left from right...I ask only one question...

Where is the inbox...:))